Blog Archive

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My To Do List

On March 20 I read this post by Attic 24.

On April 7 I bought a desk/sewing table and made this list: 
  1. Assemble Desk
  2. Socks and Hippo for D
  3. Sunflower Box Bag for Grandma
  4. Space Fabric Box Bags for Boys
  5. Hem PJs (?)
  6. Baby Quilt
  7. Log Cabin Afghan
  8. Fix Dresser
  9. Move Big Chair
  10. Curtains for Boys Room
I set up my sewing machine and ironing board in my dining room and got to work.

Today, May 8, my list looks like this:

  1. Assemble Desk
  2. Socks and Hippo for D
  3. Sunflower Box Bag for Grandma
  4. Space Fabric Box Bags for Boys
  5. Hem PJs (?)
  6. Baby Quilt
  7. Log Cabin Afghan
  8. Fix Dresser
  9. Move Big Chair
  10. Curtains for Boys Room
I feel like I have been waiting a LONG time for a space of my own. My son likes to play with his Sonic toys on top of the sewing machine so I have to remember to unplug it and the iron every time I step away, and ONE project did end up with orange juice all over it. But I have a sense of accomplishment that makes me oh-so-happy.  Tonight I have knitting plans and Season 2 of Downton Abbey waiting. Soon, I'll get to make a NEW list. Oh the fun!

1 comment:

Jo-Ann said...

During that time there was also a lost weekend when you visited me!! Sometimes you make me sick with all your ambitions and togetherness. Hahaha love you!